Newsletter November 2022
Dear Niños del Lago friends;
This year has been full of good news and excellent experiences in the daily work with the kids we serve.
Let me share with you:

The games in which companionship and teamwork are encouraged cannot be missed, since after the experience, the creation of bonds between the children is evident. We complement ending the day with an emotional and motivational activity, where the child is guided about how to get in touch with their emotions, always under the direction and supervision of the Psychologist Lourdes Lima, who has collaborated with us the last two years.
This is why we came back bringing children to the forest, even with more enthusiasm!! Children needs a space to heal!!

Healthy meals
Regarding nutrition, on March, we observed many of our students came with no food on their bellies and that after tutoring classes, some left to their elementary school classes with nothing but some cookies and juice for the rest of the afternoon. Then we decided it was very much needed, to provide nourishing snacks and lunch, that daily includes meat, veggies and healthy carbs to complement their diet.